Includes a range of therapeutic techniques to improve the body’s structure and function, reduce pain, increase range of motion, and restore energy & vitality throughout the body.
Use of subtle energy techniques that activate the body’s innate healing ability, clear blockages, restore physical and emotional well-being, and induce a deep state of inner calm.
Includes the use of plant medicine for additional benefits of healing the body, mind & spirit. Small-batch, hand-made products using only the highest quality herbs and oils.
Blend of swedish, deep tissue, acupressure, trigger point therapy, and passive joint movement. Designed to work into the muscles at desired level of pressure, alleviating aches and pains. Facilitates opening and release of muscles, tissues and joints.
60 min $90
90 min $120
Style of massage using smooth, gliding strokes with light to medium pressure. Intended to increase blood and lymphatic flow throughout the body, relax tense muscles, and relieve stress from the tissues. Creates a relaxed and calm state throughout the body.
60 min $90
90 min $120
Combines the two techniques of bodywork & plant medicine for increased healing. Relieves stress and relaxes tissues using a blend of circulatory and deep tissue massage in combination with a handcrafted custom-made oil blend – choose from Muscle Relax, Body Balance, or Invigorate. Therapeutic grade oil.
60 min $100
90 min $130
Unique blend of shiatsu, acupressure and energy healing combined in a rhythmic flow as pressure points are activated to open meridians, balance chi, and alleviate pain. Applied primarily through palm and finger pressure. To be received in light, comfortable clothing or through sheet - no oil.
60 min $90
90 min $120
Technique that channels energy, known as chi, through the practitioner’s hands which are placed lightly on, or over, the body. Chi is a life-force energy that activates the body’s innate healing to induce a calm mind and relaxed body. Restores physical and emotional well-being, creating a deep sense of peace and connection. To be received in light, comfortable clothing.
45 min $70
60 min $90
Technique using crystal therapy, sacred geometry and energy healing to balance subtle energy centers and meridians throughout the body. Practitioner places crystals on and around the body, and in geometric patterns within the treatment space. Crystals work to absorb, detoxify, and shift the energy body for optimal healing and peace of mind. To be received in light, comfortable clothing.
45 min $70
60 min $90
Blend of Reiki, Craniosacral, Jin Shin and other subtle energy techniques to activate the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Practitioner will use a combination of stones, crystals, sounds and essential oils to induce a deep state of inner calm, allowing a safe space to open and clear blockages. To be received in light, comfortable clothing.
45 min $70
60 min $90
Technique using Reiki, crystal therapy, essential oils and sound to detoxify, cleanse and balance the body’s main chakra centers. Crystals will be placed on and around the body, while Reiki is performed to recalibrate and balance energy centers. To be received in light, comfortable clothing.
45 min $70
60 min $90
Combines the two techniques of bodywork & plant medicine for increased healing. Relieves stress and relaxes tissues using a blend of circulatory and deep tissue massage in combination with a handcrafted custom-made oil blend – choose from Muscle Relax, Body Balance, or Invigorate. Therapeutic grade oil.
60 min $100
90 min $130
Add an additional layer of healing to any bodywork session by combining the techniques of bodywork & plant medicine. Incorporates small batch, hand-made massage oils into any bodywork session. Client will also take home a 2oz bottle for personal use - choose from Muscle Relax, Body Balance, or Invigorate. Therapeutic grade oil.
Please contact Danielle here to inquire about small batch, hand-made skin and bodycare products for additional healing. Only the highest quality oils and herbs are used to create unique plant medicine blends for a deeper level of healing body, mind & spirit. Product listing available upon request, or custom-made blends to order.
Combines various subtle energy techniques to activate the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Practitioner will use a combination of stones, crystals, sounds and essential oils to induce a deep state of inner calm, allowing a safe space to open and clear blockages.
20 min $30
Technique that stimulates pressure points on head, hands and feet to increase circulation and balance chi throughout the body and organ systems. Intended to relieve stress, reduce pain and balance central nervous system. Hot towels will be used on hands and feet to aid in muscle relaxation and opening of energy meridians.
20 min $30
Technique using dynamic or static cupping methods to release inflammation and stagnation, reduce pain, and aid in mobility. Works to break up adhesions in the fascia and allow for fresh oxygen and nutrients to reach the tissues. Option to use magnetic cupping in certain instances based on consultation.
20 min $30
Add an additional layer of healing to any bodywork session by combining the techniques of bodywork & plant medicine. Incorporates small batch, hand-made massage oils into any bodywork session. Client will also take home a 2oz bottle for personal use - choose from Muscle Relax, Body Balance, or Invigorate. Therapeutic grade oil.